Opening the Storehouse
"Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe..." Genesis 41:56
The Power of U
The Power of U maximizes resource capacity and creates opportunities to express significant worth to each other. “U” really matter! “U” count! “U” can make a difference!
How it works: When U purchase from one of our affiliated grocery stores, those retailers multiply your purchases back to your local pantry in fresh, nutritious food donations. So, as many of U exercise your purchasing power at these stores, your food-sharing experiences are helping to eliminate food deserts which contribute
to poor eating habits, often resulting in health issues.Hunger Relief
From the rich harvest of the land, meeting pantries' nutrition demands.
According to Feed America, one in six residents, that is 800,620 in Alabama struggle with hunger issues. The store housemates the challenge through its hunger relief food program. Hunger, relief, supplies, case stock, products of proteins, and dry staples for distribution through a network of pantries. Hunger, relief, supplies, food to communities, and food deserts.
Holiday Meal Box
From the nutrition on my table to the table of your home.
In search of a special gift for the giving season? Give the gift to food exclamation the storehouse desires to help you honor a worthy family with a healthy, nutritious Thanksgiving and Christmas meal. The holiday meal box is the perfect stocking stuffer for Christmas and table-sharing a meal for Thanksgiving. The quality of this nutritious meal is perfect as a meal for your holiday menu, as a fill-in dish for your menu, and/or to honor those who receive it as a gift. Each box comes as a pre-cook, frozen meal requiring no assembly.
Food for You Program.
Nutrition from me is food for you!
Food for You is a cooperative program linking harvest of the south with families seeking fresh, nutritious, food, and related products. Through a partnership with participating
churches, harvest of the south supplies, pre-assembled boxes of various food, kinds of stuff, all quality, first run product. The churches sell the food to their congregations and families in the community. The program's goal is to provide families access to quality food at reduced price and to position the church to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through Outreach and service.
Harvest Community Charities
P. O. Box 400
Pelham, AL 35124